Category Archives: Christo Fascists

Goodby And Good Riddance, Herr Ratzinger

I found a couple days ago a picture of one of a person whose abuse Ratzinger enabled. Ratzinger made a phone call and sent a pedophile priest to this remote location in Germany where he preyed upon this teenager. The teenager, now 38, was not able to get his life back on course, falling into drugs and depression. Recently he came out as one of Ratzinger’s victims. 

Looking at his photograph really clarifies one’s intuitions. It is one thing to think of these abused teenagers in the abstract as just numbers, but it is another to look on this concrete, flesh and blood person who has suffered immensely but MAYBE still has a chance at a reasonably normal life. Ratzinger may have been charming in this or that circumstance. He may have come up with this or that interesting little twist in theology — I wouldn’t know because theology is not my field. Nonetheless, looking at the picture of that young man strikes home the fact that Ratzinger was an evil man, and if there is a hell, he is spending time there. 

I am a universalist myself, so I don’t believe he would be spending eternity there. But I do think he is to receive his due, even if that consists wholly in his receiving a correct accounting here. I have not been able to find that picture again. It will turn up again eventually. When it does, I will post it. (Update March 06,2023: found the picture) But in the meantime, I would like you, Gregory Mehr, to think of a 38-year old youngish man whose life you and your fellow Christo Fascists are messing up right now by enabling his abuse. You are complicit in his abuse by continuing to try to shield the likes of Ratzinger with your bullshit, ensuring that the people like him, having escaped accountability,  will be able to abuse again. Your responsibility is heavily diluted by the fact that millions of others like you are doing the same thing, but you share in the responsibility nonetheless. 

That you attempt to laugh this away only magnifies your degradation, your shallowness, your moral turpitude. This is what degrades you — not the sex — male or female — of whatever person happens to catch your eye.  I don’t truly know where you rank on the Kinsey Scale — I would be surprised, but you might even be a Kinsey 0. But I will point out that, wherever you rank, it is always the closet cases, the self-haters, that do so much damage.

Inspired violence against gay people. Enabled abuse of pre-teens